by dubby riley

by dubby riley, a loose fitting scholar

Friday, 3 December 2010

No Money Blues

This asks you for a bunch of faith for the first 3 minutes. Even after that, only if you go along with the gag, you might not want to hang past 5 minutes, but I hung in there for the full 8. To do that means you sit like a good theater goer and read all the pretty type after the film. At 7:32 I figured, well I've given them my full attention till now. What is anohter 20 seconds, but GODdddddd it was torturous most of the way thru.
Winston Dubby Riley December 3 at 12:47pm
but as a short film it has some very nice elements. i have to say overall, treating it as a product, it's worth its place in the tubisphere (if this is a new word, i'm on record of calling it that first).

  • and there is nothing funny about having no money. trust me
    7 minutes ago · 
  • Winston Dubby Riley oh, sorry, the most important observation. the music is the point, which is tucked away in there, ready to be missed altogether because of the character we are led to disapprove of


  1. I liked the tune & the piano player. One tends to get bogged down with the character yet it gives insight into the homeless problem. This guy is just one in millions but it puts a "face" on homelessness.

  2. Thanks Lizzy. I agree. We wish the homeless guy would have thrown the empty container back in the trash can and that the guitar player would have seemed to be less of an asshole concerning women. You ask yourself, "exactly what is the point?" but we're looking at all this new expression and personally, it is a pasttime i enjoy. Glad to see you here and read your comments. Thanks again!
